Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What once was lost has now been found!

And a chorus of angels sang...hallelujiah!

I found my missing #11 needle tucked away under the cushion of the one chair I didn't search...I thought I narrowed it down to the sofa or loveseat however, the sneaky flamestitch Queen Anne tucked into the corner of the living room was the guilty culprit.

So with that mystery solved, I'm at work on the Moss Stitch set for C07 (JEN) and the Farrow Rib set for (JO). I've started a rolled hat of 100% wool in shades of blue and teal and have to finish that da**m!n C06 gift...It's just that I am a shiny-type of person that gets distracted quie fact, now I am searching for a pattern to make a delicate, lacy, Moebius scarf in say a red satin mohair.... Yikes! See how easily I get distracted!

I am set on making a list and hopefully working off the list with a minimal amount of sidetrips!